Top 10 Tips for a Successful VW Campervan Adventure

Creating your own Campervan Adventure is like any camping trip in that keeping it easy, straightforward and well thought out makes a big difference to the success of your trip.

1. Keep It Simple

If its your first time on a campervan trip then its important to keep it simple. Remember its meant to be holiday so driving for 6 hours from Southampton to St Ives for a weekend trip is not relaxing. Chilling out in the great outdoors, looking forward to a comfortable nights sleep is what its meant to be about not stuck in traffic for hours on end! There so many beautiful National Parks, beaches and quaint villages right on our doorstep so sample these and get used to campervan life first.

2. Plan Ahead

Its important not only to book your campervan in good time but also to book campsites in advance. Popular campsites do get booked up early so make sure you book your home for the night as soon as possible! We often see hirers turn up planning to wing it and not wanting to be tied down but in busy months at least book your first night so that you have a relaxed beginning to your adventure.


3. Enjoy Life in the Slow Lane

Classic Style campervans are not as quick as modern cars. Today they are perfect for pootling around the Great British countryside and exploring our amazing coastlines. With great big windows, sit back  and enjoy the views at a more leisurely pace of life. The vans may be a little longer than the vehicle you usually drive so it s safer to take it a bit slower.

4. Pack Minimally

When it come to packing we know you want to prepare for every eventuality but try not to bring half your house! Before you pack, check the list of the full inventory provided with the van –  its pretty extensive from colanders to washing up liquid we have to covered! You literally need to bring food, bedding and your clothes!

5. Give yourself plenty of time

If you are looking to go greater distances then give yourself more time than you think. If the weather is good then inevitably the roads will be busier than usual at popular spots you plan to visit. The classic campervans also take a bit longer to get to the places than a modern car so remove the stress by leaving plenty of time.


6. Easy Meals

Whilst the campervans have all the facilities to prepare a gourmet meal, more and more hirers are having BBQs on their campsites or eating at pubs and restaurants at their destination. However, if you are planning a meal to cook in the campervan for kids then pasta dishes are quick, easy meals to make.

7. Take a Break

Driving long distances in a vehicle you are not used to is exhausting particularly if its a classic vehicle as we forget how much modern vehicles have moved on in terms of power steering, cruise control, modern suspension etc… So take regular breaks – we always think two hours is the maximum time we would like to drive before taking a break.

8. Be Organised

There is only so much space in a campervan particularly if you are a family of four and you have brought lots of luggage so use the storage space wisely otherwise you will constantly be moving stuff around to do things.


9. Leave the Gadgets at Home

Whilst we have seen people turn with microwaves!! We bit advocates of getting away from the stresses of modern life, enjoying the great outdoors and get back to nature. There are campsite hook up leads and plug sockets in all the campervans so dont worry you can charge your phones to take all those amazing photos of the great sceneries you about to enjoy.

10. Choose the Right Places to Stay

Imagine the type of place you would like to wake up to. For example if you are looking for real rustic outdoor living then you need to find a campsite that caters for real campers with the essential amenities you need but is not necessarily filled with entertainment like a crazy golf course, swimming pool  and arcade. If you are a couple you may want to choose a campsite that has an adults only field. There are plenty of options out there for everyone.

And of course…

Choose a reputable campervan hire company! Check out their reviews first, make sure they are independently sourced and if they dont have reviews then question why not. Look for plenty of photos of the campervans on the website and social media so that you get a clear idea of what your campervan is going to be like. If other people have had an amazing experience then the chances are you will too!

Check out some the most beautiful and practical campervans here!


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